
Faster way to check Laravel component existence

Rawa Hamid
Rawa Hamid 1 min read
7 months ago July 15, 2024

If you want to check the existence of a component, for whatever reason, you may use livewireComponentsFinder class to achieve it.

To access livewireComponentsFinder methods, do the following:


Then, we need to access the livewire manifest (the cached livewire components):


it returns an array of components, something like:

array:1 [
    'slug-generator' => "App\Http\Livewire\SlugGenerator",

All we need, is to search against the given array:

$manifest = app(LivewireComponentsFinder::class)->getManifest();
return (bool) array_search(SlugGenerator::class, $manifest); // return boolean

If we want to use it as a global function, we may need to make it works globally,

 * Check if the livewire component exists or not
 * @param object|string $component
 * @return bool
function lw_component_exists(object|string $component): bool {
    $manifest = app(LivewireComponentsFinder::class)->getManifest();
    if ($component instanceof Livewire) {
        return (bool) array_search($component, $manifest);
    if (is_string($component)) {
        return (bool) array_key_exists($component, $manifest);
    return false;

We check, if the given component is an object type (class), or a string, based on that, we search for the key or the value.


Since the component manifest will be deleted in the upcoming version of livewire (V3), I found another way to the same trick with another methods, which is the following:

use Livewire\Livewire;
function lw_component_exists(string $component): bool {
    try {
        return true;
    } catch(\Throwable $th) {
        return false;

It's simply getting the class name, and if it's not existed, it simply throws a ComponentNotFoundException, and you may deal with it however you like.